
Lori is an exceptional teacher. Her classes are motivating and will challenge you at a level that’s right for you.  She’ll take you through a routine that targets strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance, areas that are critical for most sports, staying injury free, and general well-being.

Her yoga/Pilates classes have become an important part of my training, because they have helped me develop a good awareness of my body, work on key areas,  and stay injury free.  I always look forward to her classes, and leave with a great sense of accomplishment.  A bonus is that she has a good sense of humour and creates a great atmosphere in the classes, making the time fun and entertaining.

Sheila Kealey, National level Cross-Country Skier, triathlete

Working with Lori on Pilates—and therapeutic stretches—is fantastic! With patience, humour and an amazing talent for knowing what exercises will be most beneficial, Lori makes it possible to overcome weaknesses and keep progressing.

She knows every detail of how the muscles work and how the exercises should be done so that you always get the most out of each exercise. Even for non-athletes, she makes a workout fun and intellectually challenging.

Heather Lathe,

I have known Lori for years- not only as a friend but as a great resource.

She approaches her training professionally and personally-with no pretensions!

Ray Zahab, http://rayzahab.com